- Contents: Preview
- Editorials
- Reviews
- Alfar Levantine: An Elf Trading company (B)
- The Quickening: Elf Fiction
- The Fantasia Effect: Magic in Elven Culture (B, W2)
- History of the Laurëlorn Forest: The Tale of Torothal (B)
- Clan Asgedalaion: A Sea Elf Influence Clan (B)
- The Doomed Kindred: An Elf community (B)
- An Elven Autopsy
- What’s in a Gnome? Gnomes Revisited: Gnome background and rules (B, W2)
- Gnomes: Shelter from the Storm: The fate of the Gnomes (B)
- Nobody’s Gnome: Other ideas about the fate of the Gnomes (B)
- That Sinking Feeling: Scenario (S, W3)
- A Night in the Hills: Scenario (S)
- The Margrave: Scenario (S, W2, WS)
- Tales of the Fallen Countess: Scenario (S, W2, WS)
- The Cult of Evil: Another side to the Cult of Morr (B)
- Heart of Darkness: Playing evil PCs in WFRP and other RPGs
- Lucky Charms: Background and rules (B, W2, W3)
- Skulls: The meaning and use of skulls in the Old World (B, WR)
- Throwing Caution to the Winds: Alternative rules for magic (W2)
- Hermitage Wizards and the Solitary Apprentice (B)
- Into the Darkness: Tunnel Fighters. (B, W1, W2, W3) WFRP3 Careers
- Norse Trolls: Background and rules. (B, W1, W2, W3)
- Under Trial: Criminal procedure in the Empire. (B, WS)
- Orphanages: How the different cults run their establishments (B)
- Translator: New career (W2)
- The Monks of Sorrow: A Monastic Order for Morr (B, W1, W2, W3)
- The Knights Jeddi (B, W1)
Key: W1: WFRP1 Rules, W2: WFRP2 Rules, W3: WFRP3 Rules, WR: Generic rules,
S: Scenario, B: Background, WS: Supporting material is available below)
Extra content for Issue 30