A mix of full length adventures and cameos.
- Playing with Fire (pdf 474 kb) – Alfred Nunez Jr
- The Drowning Well (pdf 125 kb) – John Foody
- Giant Slayers (pdf 91 kb) – Luke Twigger
- I Hired a Contract Killer (pdf 37 kb) – John Foody
- Grovod Forest (doc 200 kb) – Alfred Nunez
- Journey into Darkness (pdf 258 kb) – Paul “Wiggy” Wade-Williams
- A Lover Lost (v2) (pdf 469 kb) – Mike Hill
- Who was Hans Kotter: WFRP 1 (pdf 5,03mb) – John Foody
- Who was Hans Kotter: WFRP 2 (pdf 5,66mb) – John Foody
- Who was Hans Kotter: Nameplates (pdf 12,8kb) – John Foody
German language scenarios
- Das Geheimnis Der Krähe (pdf 237 kb) – Karl-Heinz Zapf
- Coedlicher Sand (pdf 464 kb) – Karl-Heinz Zapf
- Am Wegesrand (pdf 1022 kb) – Karl-Heinz Zapf
- Bestie Von Altdorf (pdf 1395 kb) – Karl-Heinz Zapf
- Blutiger Schnee (pdf 269 kb) – Karl-Heinz Zapf
- Das Geheimnis Von Haderfurt (pdf 444 kb) – Karl-Heinz Zapf
- Das Vermächtnis (pdf 411 kb) – Karl-Heinz Zapf
- Ein Besuch Beim Alchimisten (pdf 651 kb) – Karl-Heinz Zapf
- Im Norden Lauert Der Tod (pdf 528 kb) – Karl-Heinz Zapf
- Jahrmarkt Des Schreckens (pdf 504 kb) – Karl-Heinz Zapf
- Kreaturen Der Nacht (pdf 466 kb) – Karl-Heinz Zapf
- Mord Im Kloster (pdf 497 kb) – Karl-Heinz Zapf
- Museum Des Wahnsinns (pdf 834 kb) – Karl-Heinz Zapf
- Tödlicher Sand (pdf 452 kb) – Karl-Heinz Zapf
- Download the zip file for “Remains of the Knight” pregenerated PCs and Player Handout pack in Adobe format here(1.2 Mb). This fine package was made by Lars Gottlieb.
- Download the zip file for “The Drowning Well” Player Handout pack here (419 kb).
- Download “Don’t Look Now – The Extra Bits.” Back in issue 22 we published the scenario Don’t Look Now. Parts of it were cut for reasons of space. For GMs who wish to use those bits, we include them here (pdf 80 kb).